Welcome to Ana's World!

Hi👋! My name is Ana. So nice to meet you. I'm a Mechanical Engineer from Portugal and i've always wanted to be able to keep a website about all the stuff i do. I'm calling it my world. Come in!

Picture of website coder

This was supposed to be a text about all the fun stuff i've been up to. Sorry, this is not going to be a very professional website.

I've always had an interest in coding, ever since university, even though i'm not very good at it i enjoy coding and programming in general. Lately i've been taking SheCodes Workshops and you check my projects bellow:

Coding Adventures Coding Icon

Another of my recent interests is sewing. I started with my mom's sewing mahine and ended up buying my own. I've swen some pieces so far, always trying to improve my skills. To check all the drama click bellow:

Sewing Drama Sewing Machine Icon

Lastly, i've done my fair share of travelling, mostly to England on behalf of the company i work in. I like taking pictures of all sorts and sharing them. For the pretty pictures use this button:

Photo Album Camera Icon